Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers

1. What does Salesforce mean?
Salesforce is a consumer interaction (CRM) system distributed to customers as cost-effective SaaS applications.
2. What are the advantages of Salesforce?
Making sales more quickly and better.Implement a consumer retention methodological strategy.Cost savings and consumer service enhancement.Repeated and less important tasks are automated.Efficiency increased and coordination strengthened on both sides.
3. What do you mean by Object Relationship Overview?
In Salesforce, the overview of object relationships links custom object logs to standard item records in a corresponding list. In related clients this is helpful to track product defects. Salesforce enables users to determine various kinds of relations through the creation of personalized fields on an object.
4. What is the Significance of SaaS?
SaaS is subscription-based meaning that users may opt to not renew or suspend the usage of the service at any point without a cost rather than using Salesforce. SaaS is meant to help consumers escape high development charges and expenditures. SaaS systems utilize a basic optimized Web gui.
5. What is a static resource?
With the static tool Salesforce provides customers the possibility to download a visualforce website with a zip file, graphic, Jar file, JavaScript, and the CSS data. Within Salesforce, the optimal amount is 250 MB of static capital.
6. Explain Custom Objects
The databases in Salesforce are custom objects. can store all information relating to an organization and involves the construction of a custom item for that reason. A professional-detail relationship between the custom object. We can build a relationship professional-detail among two objects, then attach a child object as a related list. A collection of static data is required for interchangeable configuration products that can be described in Custom Settings.
7. What do you mean by Audit Trail?
In order to collect details and monitor the recent configuration improvements made by the company, the auditing trail feature of Salesforce is useful. Information can be held for up to six months on the audit trail.
8. What is Object Relationship?
We may add the default and the custom entity records in Salesforce to a similar list. This is achieved by the description of the object relationship. In order to associate particular business cases with different clients a number of styles of connections may be established. A customized connection can be generated on an entity and different relationship styles can be described.
9. What are Dynamic dashboards?
Dynamic dashboards can be used to view detailed user-focused details. Let's take the same definition as before. If the sales manager wants to show just one aspect of his staff, he will instead utilize interactive dashboards.
10. What is the use of SOQL?
SOQL calls for the Salesforce Object Query Language. It is somewhat close to the SQL ( Structured Query Language), a popular language used for querying servers. SOQL is exclusively for Salesforce data and is used for data collection requests in the Salesforce platform. Throughout Apex & Visualforce, SOQL is used for returning data sets.
11. Explain Apex
Apex is an object-oriented language that is tightly typed and enables developers to expand marketing automation framework by adding their own business logic into the application. Apex appears Java-like, and can be run across a number of user-initiated activities such as register changes, button clicks, entity triggers or specific demands for web services
12. What does an App mean?
A Salesforce app is a folder that includes a title, emblem and a set of tabs that include a particular function. The button gets down in the upper right-hand corner of the website and enables the consumer to move between apps.
13. What does a Wrapper Class mean?
A wrapper class is a class that has cases where certain items are gathered and then used to show various artifacts in the same list, on a Visualforce board.
14. Explain bucket field
You may accumulate similar documents by selection and section in a bucket area without the implementation of complicated and unique formulae. Therefore, bucketing may be used for sorting, screening or organizing files. You will identify several classes (buckets), used to group report values, when you construct a bucket area.
15. How is workflow and trigger different from each other?
Workflow is an automatic process focused on requirements for appraisal and law. As mentioned previously, Trigger is the software performed on or after modifying or adding the data.
16. Explain sandbox org
A sandbox is a replica of the world of output / org used for research and development. This is beneficial because it allows Apex to be produced without disrupting the manufacturing climate.We may use this while reviewing a program or visualforce website that was recently created. Instead of doing it explicitly during development you should create and check it in the Sandbox org.