Best MEAN Stack Training in Salem
MEAN Stack training in Salem at the Best MEAN Stack Developer training institute in Salem like Upshot Technologies helps to prepare students for well-paying jobs in well-known businesses by providing them with advanced skills. We will help you develop proficiency in areas including web design and programming. If so, you're looking to consider taking a MEAN Stack Course to expand your horizons in Web Development, then Upshot is the solution to your problem! Using MEAN Stack training and placement in Salem, you'll learn how to develop a solid web service under the guidance of real-world experts who have earned industry certifications.
Upcoming Batch Details
Weekdays Regular
(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session
Weekdays Regular
(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session
Weekdays Regular
(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session
Weekend Fasttrack
(Class 3hr - 3:30Hrs) / Per Session
Weekend Regular
(Class 4:30Hr - 5:00Hrs) / Per Session
MEAN Stack Training Key Features
Learn MEAN Stack Training Certification in Salem and Get Placed in MNC's with high Quality Training at Best Price. Course designed by Top Industry Experts.
Real-Time Experts as Trainers
Top Rated Trainers & Mock Interviews.
Low Cost & Quality Course Content
24 x 7 Lifetime Support
Hands-on Classes with Live Projects
Certification after Course Completion
About MEAN Stack Training in Salem at Upshot
Best MEAN Stack course in Salem, these MEAN Stack classes in Salem is provided by this accredited MEAN Stack Development training center in Salem. It will teach you all of the basics of this cutting-edge technology. This is the current trend in full-stack JavaScript development, and it consists of the use of Angular JS, MongoDB, Express.js, and Node.js technologies in conjunction with one another. It facilitates the generation of the whole client-server code in JavaScript. Its free software structure and versatility are other significant advantages since it is very simple to learn and modify programs to meet one's requirements.
Developed in C++, MongoDB is a free, open-source, cross-platform database. While traditional databases store data in tables, MongoDB stores it in two keys, which is more versatile. The data saved here is binary, like JSON.
Unlike traditional relational databases, MongoDB's data structure is flexible enough to adapt as the data in it changes over time. In MongoDB, a document is comparable to an object in Object-Oriented Programming (OOPS).
Express js
For the server-side apps, Express.js is utilized, which is a mature, versatile, and inexpensive server platform. Single-page web apps, multi-page web applications, and hybrid web services may all be created with the assistance of the Express.js framework. Additionally, JavaScript is used to write Express. It makes use of the Pug engine to support necessary documentation.
Angular is a prominent and fully-featured JavaScript framework developed by Google that is used for front-end web applications. An example of Javascript is Angular.js, which was developed by Miko Hevery. It is an open-source architecture that is developed by the Google organization. In most cases, it is used to incorporate the MVC design into browser-based applications in order to make the design and implementation processes more efficient. Angular assists us in developing a more intelligent web application that is more personalized.
A server-side JavaScript implementation environment, Nodejs enables users to construct web servers and develop online applications using the Nodejs programming language and framework. A non-blocking and event-driven I/O paradigm are used by Nodejs, making it a compact and effective server-side framework. When used in conjunction with dispersed devices, it is ideal for data-intensive practical uses. Users may build information real-time applications using Nodejs, which is a multi-platform language that runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.s
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MEAN Stack Course in Salem and Best Training Institute classes near me
Upshot is the Top MEAN Stack Training Institute in Salem. We Provide Best MEAN Stack Online Training Course in Salem. Get Placed in MNC's with high Quality Training at Best Price. Affordable Fees. Fully Hands-on Training. Interview Preparation. Weekdays & Weekend Batch. Nominal Fee. Limited Period Offer. Hurry Now!
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Senior Software Developer
Our Talented MEAN Stack Certified Industry Trainers
- Upshot offers highly trained representatives that provide outstanding training tailored to the needs of the target audience.
- They will convey each topic by using a large number of real-world examples and actual applications.
- During the session, the trainer will give notes on the main subject and will also cover interview questions.
- They will assist candidates throughout the interview process.
- They are experienced trainers with a strong technical background.
- Their Corporate trainers will provide training to employees from a variety of businesses.
- As a result, they are familiar with real-world development case situations
- In addition to their expertise in the Web Application Development platform, MEAN Stack Trainers offer hands-on instruction on the essential components of MEAN.
- Student personalized attention is given by MEAN Stack Trainers as well as full hands-on exercises for developing Web Applications.
Training Benefits Students/Freshers
- Gain extensive Exposures to real-world project situations in the lab session Real-time case studies to put theory into action
- Following the completion of the course, you will get free technical support from us.
- Supplemental Instruction is Available from industry experts
- Students can enjoy the latest study materials are accessible in both fast track and regular batches
- Students & college grads interested in learning more about their career options may take advantage of Upshot Technologies' comprehensive training.
- In order to get practical knowledge, students will be given mini-projects to complete in a classroom environment.
- Employability Assistance for students will be provided by knowledgeable business trainers who will react quickly and effectively to their inquiries.
- For those who are new to the profession, we're one of the best places to get Certification training.
- As newcomers, our emphasis is on comprehensively covering new skills and creating technology.
- Students will learn through becoming involved in real-world projects.
Training Benefits For Professionals
- When compared to the competition, there are more job possibilities.
- Employers are on the lookout for qualified experts, and our training will assist you in obtaining certification.
- In the case of individuals who want to become technical experts, studying in one field will allow them to adapt more readily in other settings.
- You will have an excellent and promising career with significant pay increases.
- While remaining employed by the same company, working professionals may learn new skills and create new ideas on the job.
- As a professional, you may benefit from our certification by receiving a higher salary.
- You'll be able to receive good raises in your pay as you progress in your career.
- With the assistance of our experts, you will be prepared to operate on business initiatives while remaining in your current position.
- Our industry specialists will be able to teach you how to develop business-level skills.
- You can improve your ability to present, as well as your coordination and CV editing talents.
- You may rely on your understanding of the latest methods by taking one of our classes.
MEAN Stack Training Course Content
The syllabus curriculum is designed with some of the world’s top tech companies. You will Get industry-ready skills to take your tech career to the next level. At Upshot, we always want everyone to have the same opportunity to increase their earning potential by learning the latest in-demand skills in MEAN Stack.
Section 1: Intro to MongoDB
- Concepts
- Scaling
- SQL and Complex Transactions
- Documents Overview
- Installing MongoDB (windows)
- Installing MongoDB (linux)
- Dynamic Schema
- Mongoimport
- Cursors Introduction
- Query Language: Basic Concepts
- Query Language: Projection
- Query Language: Advantages of a Dynamic Schema
- Shell: Queries
- Sorting
- Query Language: Cursors
- Insertion
- Update
- save() Command
- Partial Updates & Document Limits
- Removing Documents
- Multi Update
- Upsert
- Wire Protocol
- Bulk() Operations and Methods
- Common Commands
- runCommand()
- isMaster()
- serverStatus()
- currentOp() & db.killOp()
- stats() & collection.drop()
- Review of Commands
Section 3 : Storage Engine
- Introduction
- Storage Engine: WiredTiger
- createIndex(), getIndexes() & dropIndex()
- Collection Scans
- Index Notes
- Unique Indexes
- Sparse Indexes
- TTL Indexes
- Geospatial Indexes
- Text Indexes
- Background Index Creation
- Explain Plans
- Covered Queries
- Read & Write Recap
- currentOp() & killOp()
- The Profiler
- mongostat and mongotop
Section 4: Replication Overview
- Asynchronous Replication
- Statement-based vs. Binary Replication
- Replication Concepts
- Automatic Failover
- Recovery
- Starting Replica Sets
- Initiating a Replica
- Replica Set Status
- Replica Set Commands
- Reading & Writing
- Failover
- Read Preference
- Read Preference Options
Section 5: Reconfiguring a Replica Set
- Arbiters
- Priority Options
- Hidden Option & Slave Delay
- Voting Options
- Applied Reconfiguration
- Write Concern Principles
- Examining the ‘w’ Parameter
- Write Concern Use Cases & Patterns
- Reexamining the Page View Counter Pattern
- wtimeout & Capacity Planning
- Replica Sets in a Single Datacenter
- Replica Sets in Multiple Datacenters
- Replica Sets and Storage Engine Considerations
Section 6: Scalability
- Sharding & Data Distribution
- Replication with Sharding
- Chunks & Operations
- Sharding Processes
- Cluster Topology
- Running on localhost
- The Config Database
- Adding the Initial Shards
- Enable Sharding for a Collection
- Working with a Sharded Cluster
- Cardinality & Monotonic Shard Keys
- Shard Key Selection Example
- Process and Machine Layout
- Bulk Inserts and Pre-splitting
Section 7: Backup and Restore
- Overview of Security
- Security continued: Authentication and Authorization
- SSL and Keyfiles
- Security and Clients
- Intra-cluster Security
- Overview of Backing Up
- Mongodump
- Filesystem Snapshotting
- Backing Up a Sharded Cluster
- Backup Strategies
- Additional Features of MongoDB
- GridFS
Overview (Tools,Cloud Manager,Bash Scripting)
- Tools -RoboMongo
- Cloud Manager (Configuring and Working with MMS, Automation)
Bash Scripting (Basics)
Section 1: Introduction Express JS
- The model-view-controller pattern
- Defining Jade templates
- Configuring Express
- Postman configuration
- Using REST
- JSON Data
- Reading POST data
- CRUD operations
- Adding middleware
- How Node.js connects to databases
- RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
- Connecting to RDBMS and Mongodb databases
- Performing CRUD operations
- Getting Started
- Adding To Your App
- Exploring The Front-end
- Sending Live Data Back & Forth
- Creating The Front-end UI
- Showing Messages In App
- Working With Time
- Timestamps
- Show Message Time In Chat App
- Chat application Project
- Working with gulp
- Working with grunt
- Working with unit and E2E testing
Section 1 : Introduction
- Introduction to JS
- What is Angular?
- Why to use angular among N number of frameworks available.
- How to use angular
Section 2 : First Steps
- Angular Invocation
- Core modules
- Angular Invocation
- Compilation
- Execution cycle
Section 3 : Exploring Data Types & Functions
- Objects
- Strings
- Numbers
- Auto Casting
- Prototype
- Function
- Array
- Booleans
- Un defined
- If statements
- Else and elseif statements
- Logical operators
- Switch statements
Section 4 : Control Structures: Loops
- For loops
- For each loops
- Continue
- Break
Section 5 : User-Defined Functions
- Defining functions
- Function arguments
- Returning values from a function
- Multiple return values
- Scope and global variables
Section 6 : Debugging
- Developer’s console
- Warnings and errors
- Debugging and troubleshooting
Section 7 : HTML compilation & Angular Compilation
- Compilation phase
- Angular Compilation
Section 8 : Actual Angular Topics
- Modules
- Controllers
- Dependency Injection
- Service & Filters
- Data Binding & Scopes
- Template
- Directives
- Routers
- Providers
Section 1: Introduction & Foundation
- Introduction
- The Node.js framework
- Installing Node.js
- Using Node.js to execute scripts
Section 2: Node Projects
- The Node Package Manager
- Creating a project
- The package.json configuration file
- Global vs. Local package installation
Section 3 : Working With Shrink-Wrap To Lock The Node Modules Versions
- What is shrink-wrap
- Working with npmvet
- Working with outdated command
Section 4: Working With Asynchronous Programming
- Asynchronous basics
- Callback functions
- Working with Promises
- Advance promises
- Using Request module to make api calls
Section 5 : Building a Http Server with Node.Js Using Http Apis
- The HTTP protocol
- Building an HTTP server
- Rendering a response
- Processing query strings
- Processing posted data
Section 6 : FFile System
- Synchronous vs. Asynchronous I/O
- Path and directory operations
- __dirname and __filename
- Asynchronous file reads and writes
Section 7 : Buffers, Streams, & Events
- Using buffers for binary data
Section 8 : Flowing Vs. Non-Flowing Streams
- Streaming I/O from files and other sources
- Processing streams asynchronously
Section 9 : Multi-Processing in Nodejs
- Working with Child Process API
- Working with Cluster API for multi-core servers
Section 10 : Expressjs
- The model-view-controller pattern
- Defining Jade templates
- Configuring Express
- Postman configuration
- Using REST
- JSON Data
- Reading POST data
- CRUD operations
- Adding middleware
Section 11 : Express Js With Mongodb and Sqlite
- How Node.js connects to databases
- RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
- Connecting to RDBMS and Mongodb databases
- Performing CRUD operations
Section 12 : Socket.Io, The Front-End, and A Chat App
- Getting Started
- Adding To Your App
- Exploring The Front-end
- Sending Live Data Back & Forth
- Creating The Front-end UI
- Showing Messages In App
- Working With Time
- Timestamps
- Show Message Time In Chat App
- Chat application Project
Section 13 : Introduction To Task Managers With Unit Testing
- Working with gulp
- Working with grunt
- Working with unit and E2E testing
Our Students Sincere FeedBack & Testimonials
Get Industry Recognized Certifications & Jobs in Top MNC’s
Upshot Technologies Training Certificate is recognized by companies all over the world. Clients and instructors will both get certificates at the end of the program's completion. This distinction distinguishes us from our competitors as having the finest and most consistent learning quality when it comes to training.
- Obtain observable advantages that will assist you in showcasing your successes.
- Accreditations may aid your professional growth.
- You'll be able to show off your accomplishments and keep studying with the assistance of benefits.
- Certification may assist you to improve your knowledge in addition to certifying your technical abilities.
- During this time, you will have the opportunity to interact with our teachers and get a better understanding of the certification test topic.
- Alongside your workplace, you will be capable of negotiating a raise that is fair to both of you.
- Some of the major approvers of our credentials include well-known companies such as Microsoft, CTS, HCL, Accenture and HP, among many others.
- Your motivation and drive will be maintained as a result of using this tool.
- Accreditation improves the productivity of an organization, allowing you to handle any job.
- It's feasible to broaden your work experience by submitting your resume to a number of different employment boards.

Our Top Hiring Partner for Placements
Upshot Technologies, the top institute has educated more than 6,000 students in technical courses over the last several years and has provided them with placement support to help them advance their professions. The Training Team provides candidates with the best certifications too.
- We conduct job interviews in order to assist students to become more self-aware.
- Many of our major recruitment partners and academic institutions consider us a valuable resource.
- We've become the top software training centre because of our long history of excellence and high standards.
- We'll provide you with amazing skills like resume writing, editing, public speaking, and so on once we train you with us.
- Our placement history is superior to that of our rivals. Student testimonies and 5-star rankings speak for themselves when it comes to our reviews, ratings, and ratings.
- So far, we've recruited more than 600 pupils and educated more than 6000 others.
- With the help of our committed placement team, we are able to put each and every one of our applicants in a job.
- People with technical abilities as well as soft qualities go through a lengthy question and answer session preparation procedure.

Benefits MEAN Stack Training Course in Salem
No.1 MEAN Stack training institute center in Salem, now you can take advantage of Upshot's MEAN Stack training in Salem which has flexible learning choices and is taught by mentors. Gain the skills you need. Using our Online MEAN Stack Training is simple and cost-effective. Start learning about internet security in real-time with a live online security training course. Our Online MEAN Stack Training Course in Salem are intended to teach prospective workers what employers want to see from them. With us, you may learn new skills or progress in your present profession by taking advantage of our extensive selection of online education programs.
Placements of MEAN Stack Training Courses in Salem
Top MEAN Stack training and placement in Salem at Upshot efficiently provide placement and job assistance to all students who have completed the MEAN Stack training in Salem with placements. To do this, we have formed partnerships with leading multinational corporations from across the world. This allows you to be a part of amazing relationships. We can also assist you with the preparation of the potential employee meet-up and the preparation of the list of qualifications. Our team has collaborated with industry experts to offer insight into the professions that are taking over the employment market today. Using this market research, we have developed course materials that are up to date regularly to guarantee that our material remains relevant to the requirements of the industry.
FAQ's Frequently Asked Questions
How Old is Upshot Technologies?
Upshot Technologies started way back in 2018. We’re committed to giving top IT training in Salem with high-quality courses and trending technologies. We provide a variety of advantages to ensure that our learners are distinctive.
Do You Provide Placements after Course Completion?
In order to help new graduates get hired quickly, we are providing distinct organizational cum employment training programs. Over the years, we have placed over 6000 successful applicants who have been placed in great jobs across a broad range of fields at reputable IT Industry Majors across the globe. In terms of arranging interviews for placement in businesses, we have a high frequency of scheduling interviews. The client businesses' applicant profiles are updated on a regular basis, and our students' openings are updated on a regular basis.
Does Upshot Technologies offer Job Assistance after training?
You will learn courses at one of the top software training institutes in Salem with placements, which has an experienced staff that can help you perform well in interviews. You will also receive a customized learning opportunity with your mentors, who will keep meticulous records and offer insights..
How about group Discounts for my team?
Yes, if you have three or more people enrolled in the course, you will be eligible for a special deal from the course provider.
What are the various modes of training upshot offer?
We’re the top IT training institute in Salem. Your convenience and success are our top priority. Our training is available in both a classroom setting and online. In addition, we provide applications that operate in fast track mode also.
Can I Access the course material Online?
Yes, You will be given lifetime downloadable access to our courses after you have completed the full training course and completed all of the tasks and projects that are required as part of it.
Who are the Trainers?
It is our goal to provide you with a team of qualified trainers that are capable of teaching you the whole life span of any technologies you want to learn! Our instructors have a combined total of more than ten years of expertise in the IT sector. Understanding all aspects of the industry from a broad perspective is essential.
What if I miss one (or) more classes?
No worries! You can get access to free downloadable courseware and other course related materials so that you won’t miss track of anything. You can also contact our 24/7 support for further queries and questions you may have.
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