AWS Interview Questions and Answers

1. What do you mean by AWS?
AWS means Amazon Web Services. This is an Amazon service that uses a distributed IT network to provide various IT services on demand. AWS offers on-demand computing facilities for Internet access, servers, networking, databases, and other infrastructure at a low rate.
2. What are the major components of AWS?
S3 – Simple Storage Service, Route53 – EBS, Elastic Block Store, EC2 – Elastic Compute Cloud, Cloudwatch and Key Paris are just a handful of AWS components.
3. What does auto-scaling mean in AWS?
Auto-scaling is a process that helps you to provide and start new instances once a need occurs. This helps to boost or decrease your demand resource capacity automatically. Auto-scaling helps one can up and decrease the amount of instances dynamically, based on the CPU consumption or memory usage. There are two automated scale elements, they are Auto scaling groups as well as Launch configuration.
4. What is meant by S3?
S3 is Easy Storage Network. This is a cloud system that provides an app that helps you to save data to anywhere in the world instantly. You just pay for what you use in S3 and the pricing pattern is the bill. For PUTs to new items the AWS S3 software offers read / press read integrity, such that it can be accessed as an item is inserted in an S3 container.
5. What are EBS volumes?
The Elastic Block Stores is represented by EBS. These volumes are permanent and can be attached to instances. In EBS quantities, just when you end the instances, the data is retained, as opposed to quantities of the case that the data is removed as you avoid instances.
6. What are storage classes in S3?
The storage class types in S3- are below
- Standard infrequently accessed
- One-zone infrequently accessed
- Standard frequently accessed
- RRS – reduced redundancy storage
- Glacier
7. What is CloudFront?
Cloudfront is an Amazon cloud service that has rendered delivering the software at zero delay and fast data transmission rates easy and effective for enterprise and apps developers. Cloudhead is the AWS network of cloud distribution.
8.What is VPC?
A Virtual Private Cloud accounts for VPC. You can configure the network setup easily with VPC. VPC is a theoretically separated network inside the cloud from another. This includes your specific set of IP addresses, subnetworks, network operations, NAT gateways and protection classes.
9.What is meant by security groups?
Security groups operate as a web server containing one or even more occurrences of traffic. So if you start, you can connect one or more security groups to your instances. You may add rules allowing traffic to and from associated instances in each security group. At any time, you can change the rules of a security group, the new rules apply to all instances related to a safety group automatically.
10. What does Load Balancer mean?
Load Balancer is a virtualization technology that manages the load of your web application so you will obtain Hβ or HS traffic. A multi-domain load is controlled such that no site domain is overloaded.
11. What are the types of Load Balancers in AWS?
- Application Load Balancer:
This load balancer works in the OSI model layer 7. It can be used for paying HTTP and HTTPS programs, and among other functionality, Lambda functions - Classic Load Balancer:
This load balancer works on the OSI model's layer 4, or layer 7. This is mostly primarily used by older programs operating on EC2-Classic as device cloud providers offer more functionality. - Network Load Balancer:
This load-balancing device is used to enhance organization in layer 4 of the OSI model. This will also handle the load of all forms of TCP traffic and control vast volumes of applications at zero delay.
12. What is meant by cloud computing?
Cloud computing is a web-based framework that offers on-demand resources varying from processing, servers, compute and storage to software etc. Cloud storage suits a pay-as-you-go setup and charges for only what you want.
13. What is a simple notification service in AWS?
It offers a highly scalable, economical, and flexible right to post texts from an app and to deliver them to other apps. It is a place to send texts.
14. What does AWS Lambda Mean?
AWS Lambda is a database program that does not handle a server and runs the application. Where appropriate, the Lambda function executes the application. You just have to pay if the app works.
15. Name a few Cloud service models?
SAAS (Software as a Service): The device delivery paradigm under which an application for end consumers free from complicated program and hardware maintenance is distributed on the web by an end user. (Ex: Move of Android, Android Box).
PAAS (Service Platform): it offers a network architecture and infrastructure to programmers. It liberates developers without moving through the complexities of building and infrastructure management. (Ex: Windows Azure, AWS Elastic Beanstalk).
IAAS: offers virtualized electronic computing services, including cpu , memory, switches , routers, firewall, vpn, load balancer (Ex: Azure, AWS).
16. What does EC2 mean?
Amazon Elastic Computing Platform is a network infrastructure providing resized cloud storage. AWS EC2 offers flexible AWS cloud computing ability. These are often named the computer servers.
17. What does AMI mean?
The Amazon network picture is a software specific form of system used to build an Open computing platform virtual machine. For any case, AMI describes the original product that is introduced.
18. What does Iaas mean?
IaaS is a cloud provider that provides 'pay-to-use' software. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Compute Engine users are included among IaaS workers.
19. What is EIP?
Elastic IP address is an Ec2 network. The static IP address of an EC2 instance is essentially connected. This domain name does not relate to an EC2 instance to your AWS account. You can also delete the EIP handle from the EC2 instance and transfer it on your Aws to some other Operating system.
20. Explain NAT gateways?
NAT calls for encoding of network codes. Gateways allow cases in a private network to link to the web but do not accept connections from the internet.
21. Can you name some storage gateways in AWS?
22. What do you mean by Elastic Load balancing?
ELB stands for Elastic Load Balancing. Incoming application traffic or network traffic can automatically be distributed across different objectives such as EC2, containers, Ip's by ELB.